
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Forever my heart alone will be.

Once upon a time, In a fairy tale along time ago,
And that is were that ended.
Be strong now, because things will get better,
It might be stormy now but, it can not rain forever.

The things I can change I will do my best,
For I am only human just like the rest.
The things I can not, No Worries for me,
For those are the "wants" that will never be.

How do you know when it is truly love?
When your heart skips a beat,
And the words you want to say just seem to walk away.
How do you know when it is time to say good bye?
When it is all about the other,
And the shimmer has no color.

The air that surrounds me suffocates me with rage,
My heart is there, so dark and broken, it can only be caged.

Looking back I realize,
I was never ever meant to stay,
But what hurts the most is that you wanted it that way.

Life is a constant change.
The rocks it throws,
The storms it blows,
And the smile on a face of someone you know.

With a blink of an eye.
The storms stop blowing,
And the face stops glowing.
Forever my heart alone will be,
I have no doubt, This Is What I See.

The path I'm walking,
I must walk alone.

Forever my heart alone will be, I have no doubt, This Is What I See.

Melissa Hall


Anonymous said...

Elegant, and well put. The pain is felt, but your hunger for life briefly shines through. Just good to know your heart, no matter good or bad, has awaken from its long slumber of a few years ago. A good sign. That coupled with the upbringing of your children and their progress is a true testament to your being, and your legacy you are leaving behind. Put your faith in God, and hold your heart gently..... for its re-awakening shows that you can feel again. And THAT after all you have been through is a miracle all unto itself.

Melissa said...

Very good words of wisdom, and I'm pretty sure if you know all of the details behind the metaphors you use, you truly know some of my story. ;) It is very brief and pain is good they say. I think it will slumber again, no words can express, but will wake one day. As I read this you just give me to much credit. I'm just a single mom doing her best. I'm holding my heart in a cage, my cage and I will hold my kids hearts closer. No miracles, no angels, just me. O_o
This to will pass and life will be good again. This is just were I am at now. Thank you for leaving the comment kind of bitter sweet. ;)

Unknown said...

You are a VERY creative woman! You have the gift that so many would deny, that of which would be the English language. You know how to put things in a way that makes the reader think, and in a regal form. I would ask you don't lose that. I also hope for you a happier life! Brian