
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Childhood Dream Car

Yeah, this is my dream car from middle school.  I have always wanted an old Buick Skylark.  I drove up to meet my parents to get Austin back from spring break and I pulled up right next to it.  I have not seen one of these in so, so many years.  I swear I almost, if you know what I mean. 
The owner of the car was in the truck stop and saw my face when I saw it, she came out and told me her story.  Funny kinda, She had an old truck and this old man wanted an old truck instead of this car.  "The trucks bottom was going to fall out" she said, he said "he wanted the truck, equal trade."  EQUAL TRADE.  REALLY?

Anyway, when I was totally blown away with that, (wondering were was this little old man when I had an old truck and never used it.) She completed her story with "My boyfriend is going to get out of jail in about two months and he told me, "what ever I do, don't get rid of the car".
There is no moral to this story, but this woman lucked out with this car, and depending on what her boyfriend is in jail for and what kind of person he is. (I mean I did not ask, did not want to be there that long) I think I would take the car and leave.
Just saying..

Back to the car, it is and I can't even remember the year she said I was in such AWE! The seats have this metal button in the seats, they were all there. Also this car came with a pillow.  Yes, not only do you get the car, but you get a pillow to rest your tired head.  It was in there as well.  Along with the original stereo (that worked) radio knobs, and cigarette lighter.  It is amazing.  The car for this year only came with one side view mirror, if you look back at the 1st pic, the passenger side mirror was optional, it cost more to have one on both sides.

Well That is that, Dream come and gone.  Enjoyed the moment though! 

Melissa Hall

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