
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cheers To You My Friend

I don't want to go home, because I don't want to be alone.
This pain I feel inside is just something I can't hide.
For when I hide and stay alone, my friends all say something wrong.
I have no heart, this "Walking Angel" you say... is just broken anyway.

There is no, "yes or no", just only "I can't go".
For some reason I can't understand, you just don't want to take my hand.
And walk along the path we see and only be You and Me.

So, Take Care, My Good Friend, And Maybe Someday We Will Meet Again.

Please know and never forget the love I have for you I will Never regret.
I will carry it always in my heart,
Starting today, for "that" reason we must part.


Written by,
Melissa A. Hall

Art Work by: Tara McPherson

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