
Sunday, May 8, 2011

And So My Story Goes

Sometimes life is not what you make of it,
But what it makes of you.

If the mountains are so high,
You will climb until you get to the top.

If the waves are so cold and hard,
You will swim until you fine pleasure in them.

If the road seems rough and wrong,
You will change your path until it is smooth and clear.

If the loneliness is overwhelming,
You close your eyes and dream.

My mountains, waves, roads, and loneliness are not what I made of them,
But what they have made of me.

If the punishment for the crime is to much,
You live life day by day until your time is served.

My words have never rang so loud
"If I'm going to do it by myself,
Then I'm going to do it ALL by myself"

And so my story goes,
And my curse carries on...

"Are you sure this is who you want to be?"
Was the question that was asked.

With a shake of my head the words just fled
"I am, Who, this world has made me"

So, yes
Sometimes life is not what you make of it,
But what it makes of you!

Melissa A. Hall


dawiccankitten said...

wonderful as always darling HUGS

Unknown said...

life does have a way of sometimes making us not really what we want to be or where we want to be but i think that there is always a crossroads or a decission made somewhere that maybe could have lead us in a different direction but then again what would life be like if we took the safe a familiar path everytime,, you would always wonder what if?