
Monday, July 26, 2010

My Road Is Different Now

The trees are greener and the flowers more beautiful. 
The fragrance of the world I hold in the palm of  my hand.

The birds that sing to me, whisper of happy endings, and the sun that lights my way.
The wonders of the world that will always be there for me, to carry me away. 

The places I go, The people that I see,
The things I do, And the wants that I need.

The things I will accomplish, and the things that will pass me by.
I will never know, to understand why.

The people I will loose and the people that will come and go.
Will never be the road that I remembered not so long ago.

The road has a different view for me.
The choices I have, will change with the seasons of my year, or
like the tide changes the ocean currents and the waves.
These are the choices that will help guide me on my way.

We all have wonders that are ours, and ours alone, to share if we choose and hide if we want.
It is the road we take, and the path we make, that changes the choices we have for our own fate.

As the road moves and the path changes.
We must embrace the fact that time will pass us by and we will not know why.

So take a deep breath and enjoy the hear and the now.

Because the path we thought we took,
now has a different look.

Melissa A. Hall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it Devilyn, great work!