
Monday, February 9, 2009

Touch, Touch, Touch, FEEL ?

As I walk through my days I FEEL like I’m the lady in the tissue commercial.

Touch, Touch, Touch, FEEL

For me it is more like Touch touch, Touch touch, Touch, but when it comes to FEEL, I find that part missing.

I miss the FEEL of a warm hand down my neck, down my arms, down my back.

I miss the FEEL of someone I can always go to with anything, and just because they can’t fix it, I know they would.

I miss the warm FEEL of a body around me as I sleep, consuming me as I wake.

As I walk through my days I see friends and acquaintances FEEL one another, and not question the moment, just embrace it. I see it come easy for some and not at all for others, and I question why this is.

Touch, Touch, Touch, FEEL?

Melissa Hall

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