
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lightning Strikes Me

I'm going walking in the rain
I hear the thunder, and I see the lightning.
I am going walking in the rain.

Day after day and play after play.
Is today the day I win or loose?
As if I even have the right to choose.

Look at me and a smile you will see, but not in my eye.
The pain and hurt is all in the mirror looking back at me.

The Mirror...

The one that tells your true lies, you know the ones you try to hide.
The one you look into hoping for a change and all you see is nothing but the same.

I can not see what is waiting for me,
Nor do I care to know.

Because I'm afraid to say I would die if I knew,
What the strength is, I am growing into.

Today my friend is the start to an end,
And every day in between.

It's the mornings I see as I crawl off my knees,
And Thank God for the blessings that will be.

For I am still in my path of Present and Past,
And the future is not mine to see.

With this promise I can say,
Only my music, This pen, and Me,
Can truly take me to where I can see.

I'm going walking in the rain
I hear the thunder, and I see the lightning.
I am going walking in the rain.

Melissa A. Hall