
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Angels

Yesterday was hard as I could see the time he missed with you and me.
For the days grow longer and the nights keep adding up
For the days he could have spent with us.

Four years so far, it has been so hard to see the things that he missed.
The things that I could not have resist.

For birthdays come and birthdays go just like any day,
The only thing is I choose to stay.

As I watch my kids grow and bloom there is no way that I could go.
For the price I pay I must stay to see the ones I love be free,
And grow up just like me.

As they grow like weeds so fast and strong I see his face as I move on.
For there is no way I can change the time he missed and all the hugs and kiss.

For I will go and keep moving on and this is a must
For there is no going back just only the history of the past.

One day will come and the horn will blow and my days on earth will no longer show.
My God will be and take care of me just like it was mentioned to be.

With all that I have been through, and all the pain I know,
At least I know it's all mine, But I will still shine.

Grow strong and trust. Give of yourself like you would want to be given to.
Love with your all, and your all will be your love!

This might be the hard road, but with the knowledge and the morals that you know,
You TWO will also glow!!

Make a difference in this world, and stand up for your rights,
Make sure you have the information you need before you start your fight.

I will be here no matter what but we all know
Sometimes that's not how it goes.

So FOR now, it is day by day and bridge by bridge.
A sweet kiss and an I LOVE YOU every single night,
With a Hug that tells you, "You are never out of my sight!"


Melissa A. Hall
Started 5.28.2011 Finished today 6.28.2011


SteveZ said...

You, my friend are truly gifted. "My Angels" is an out pouring from the heart. Your children are extremly lucky to have such a loving mom, guide and teacher for their path to adulthood. 

Melissa said...

Thank you for your loving comment. We can only do day by day, but I hope, as we all do as parents, that it's easier for them. Thanks again Steve.