
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Lonely Anniversary 2011

It has been three years today and I don't think it gets any better.  This day will always be the day I will hide from the world and I hope the world will hide from me.  I wrote this two years ago on the one year anniversary of my late husbands death.  Married 21 wonderful years.  Gone, but never forgotten.  

RIP Steven Thomas Hall. Loved by One, and Loved by all. 

A Lonely Anniversary

The time is coming soon for me to re-live the tragedy I have hidden deep in my soul.

This year the roads have all been mountains so high I could not see my way.

The sun not as bright or hot as it was before , and the winter even colder.

The pictures I had for my future are scattered with blood.

The things I thought would be hard were easy, but the things I thought hard to handle.

The smiling faces of the old family portraits I can’t even put on the wall.

My head cries why, while my heart knows not to ask.

The days have been longer this year, it is the nights that keep me awake.

The dreams I don’t want to have and the memories I can’t forget.

I look at my children and see his face, the man that took my heart so many years ago, and wonder where he went.

I alone will be at this anniversary

Only Me
Only Myself
Only I

Melissa Hall

RIP Steve  I will always love and miss you!

The back of the headstone.

Front of headstone.

My two wonderful children.


Mollye said...

Oh honey, My heart aches for you and your children. I "found" you while posting on my son Jake's blog and am so glad to know you. I also lost a husband 11 years ago and I by some miracle met, fell in love with and married the most amazing man four years later, but certainly never thought I would. No one ever takes the place of one you lose but there are so many angels in our lives. We are coming up on the 1st anniversary for my boy and the past year has sure had its ups and downs but we just learn to keep living one day at a time. I'll keep you in my prayers as you face your difficult anniversary. Hugs and Blessings, Mollye

Melissa said...

Thank you Mollye, I have kept my mind open and my writing I have continued. I just posted My Angels. One of my favorites I think. At least so far. Thank you and God Speed. It will all be ok, If it is one day at a time. :) thank you for your wonderful comment and the blessings from you.