
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Am I Here To Stay?

I don’t know what my future holds,
Or goals that I should win.
I don’t know where I’m going,
And I don’t remember where I’ve been.

I’m lost in distractions,
Life so I’m told.
I can’t dream about the future,
Today consumes my soul.

My future seems so impossible,
My dreams so out of control.
I’m lost in my own footsteps,
And my heart was put on hold.

No one can tell me different,
Because each is to his own.
The very thought of companionship,
Is always far too gone.

So for what I’m supposed to do in this life,
I don’t really know what it is.
The trees are overgrown with strife,
And I feel more and more like a kid.

So please don’t tell me what to do,
My mind doesn’t work that way.
The greener fields will come and go,
But I am here to stay.

Melissa A. Hall