
Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Storm That Is Me

Running for miles and I still can't stop the storm.

The storm that is me,
And it has been for all my history. 

I tend to question more and more all the decisions and all that I think.
The way I live my life and the goals that I seek.

I thought I knew what I wanted, but in life and with life things change.
What I thought was a big deal was actually not at all real.

What happen to the truth and the morals that you were told.
I have found in this world all of this has been sold.

Sold to Easy Street, Drugs, Booze and Gold.
And I wonder sometimes “Where the Hell did you sell your soul?”

I will hold fast to the things that I have learned in my life,
For this will be my legacy when I return from my flight.

The thing one remembers about folks in their life,
Is who made a difference and who put out the light.

As bright as I will shine for you,
Two lights I have put out,
No intentions did I bring, 
Or harm did I mean.

But what I have learned in this Cruel Life of mine,
As happy as I am,
There are evil people that are just in it for their plan.

I will hold fast to the things that I have learned in my life,
For this will be my legacy when I return from my flight

Melissa Hall

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