
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So When is Enough, Enough?

Is it when you get to the place were the hills that you have been climbing seem straight, But you know there will always be hills along the path.

Is it when the storm stops blowing you around and around and all that is left is a small shower with the sun shinning through first, before you see the rainbow.

Is it when you realize the baby you brought into this world is not the one you thought, but becomes much more with your guidance.

Is it when you realize that some of the decisions you made were the right ones!, but yet still question the ones you don’t know.

Is it when you can finally sleep alone and feel safe with in your own world, but realize you feel safer with someone else beside you.

Is it when you finally hear the music with in your own heart and learn to dance with it, regardless of the fact that you might be the only one who ever hears it.

Is it when you realize that the life you had will be no more!, But the life you make can always be better because of the lessons you have already learned.

So When is Enough, Enough?

Melissa Hall